Friday, May 30, 2008

Study Shows E-mail Ain't Going Away!

Wish as you may, wish as you might, email is here to stay...

At least that's what a recent study by Habeas sees. 67% of the respondents said they prefer email over other online vehicles, and 65% believe it will continue through 5 years. There's a great chart showing this in The Luon Blog that was offered by E-Marketer this week as well...

Very interesting to note that email was preferred much more significantly than any other medium, including websites (34%,) postal mail (35%,) voicemail (29%,) cell voice mail (12%,) and web meetings/videoconferencing (3%.) The survey respondents expected test messaging, videoconferncing and web meetings to grow in five years, but none of them expected the usage to be more than 20%.

Even the younger respondents, age 18-34, favor email business communications over IM and texting as the trend for business communication in the future.

Bottom line: E-mail is here to stay. It is growing. If you don't get a handle on how to manage it now, you're risking being left in the dust five years from now.

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